I was two months pregnant when my husband David and I were referred to MOMS Orange County. Although this was my second child, it had been 16 years since my daughter was born and I had a lot of new questions, and a fair amount of anxiety about having a baby at my older age.

I soaked up information from my Home Visitor like a sponge. It melted my concerns away. David and I — along with our daughter — soon began attending prenatal and childbirth preparation classes at MOMS.

David was especially excited by the classes and learning about our baby’s development. He grew up without a father himself so he wanted to learn how to be a good dad. He learned how to feed and bathe our baby, and how to help me during my pregnancy. He even got other dads to come to the workshop and spoke about how excited he was to become a dad.

We found a community of friends at MOMS. I am now a mentor guiding new mothers and David is a “Veteran Dad” in the workshop for new fathers.

We believe in the program and in sharing our story with other parents. “Our experience is the same as yours,” we tell them, “it just takes patience and time.”