That September was National Child Awareness Month?

The purpose of National Child Awareness Month is to draw attention and promote awareness of children’s charities and youth-serving organizations across the United States.  In September 2002, the Orange County Board of Supervisors unanimously designated September as Child Awareness Month.  The recognition can be attributed to Sandy Segerstrom Daniels, Founder & Executive Director of Festival of Children Foundation.   In 2009, a resolution designating September as National Child Awareness Month was passed unanimously in both the United States Senate and House of Representatives.

Led by Festival of Children Foundation to focus the attention of our Nation on the most critical issues facing children today, National Child Awareness Month (NCAM) is meant to raise awareness for all children’s charities nationwide, and all are invited to take part in NCAM’s mission to focus America’s attention on four guiding principles:

Nurture one child. That’s all it takes to make a difference.

Children are the future of philanthropy. It’s our responsibility to teach them the importance of sharing and giving back.

Actions speak louder than words. Find a children’s cause that’s important to you and get involved.

Many hands make light work. So join forces with those who share your goals and dreams.